
is seeking qualified ALAMEDA CTC LBE/SLBE/VSLBE

Project Name

Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

City of Dublin

Project Location

Dublin, Alameda County, CA

Bid Date

05/16/2024 at 02:30

Project Details

Ray’s Electric is requesting written quotations from qualified Alameda CTC LBE/SLBE & VSLBE sub-contractors and vendors and Non Alameda CTC LBE/SLBE/VSLBE for the above-named project. The work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and services necessary to perform the construction and installation of the following: modification to existing pedestrian curb ramps, modifications to curb radiuses, minor civil improvements, installation of foundations, signal poles, posts, pull boxes, wiring, push buttons, and other items of work which are required for installation of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at three locations on Grafton Street and Antone Way, Central Parkway and Aspen Street, and Amador Valley Boulevard and Burton Street, and modifications to existing traffic signal at Central Parkway and
Hibernia Drive, consisting of installing new traffic signal poles and foundation, traffic signal equipment, pull boxes, traffic signal conduit, conductors and cables, street lighting, installing sidewalk, curb and gutter, ADA curb ramps, and reconstruction drainage inlet, as shown on the
plans, as well as other work shown on the Plans and called for in the Specifications and as directed by the Engineer. The engineers estimate is between $1,500,000.00 - $1,650,000.00 and 120 working days.

The Construction shall conform to the City of Dublin Standard Specifications and Standard Plans current edition, 2023 edition/ new or revised Standard Plans and Standard Specifications of the California Department of Transportation including latest addendums and revisions-applies to special provisions.

The Plans and Specifications can be downloaded from https://www.dublinplanroom.com/ or can be provided per request. If you have any questions with regards to the scope of work, bonding, insurance requirements, and owner-controlled insurance program, please contact our office.
NOTE: Please include your DIR registration and Contractor License Number with your quote no later than 11:00 AM on May 16, 2024 so that all quotes may be evaluated equally.
RAY’S ELECTRIC is a UNION CONTRACTOR. Non-signatory subcontractors will be required to sign an agreement for trade covered under our agreements. DIR Registration: 1000005610
Should you have questions, please contact our estimating department. Thank you.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Tania Munguia


(510) 577-7700


(510) 577-7706


411 Pendleton way Ste. B, Street Address 2
Oakland, CA 94621

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