
Oakland LBE/SLBE Program

The program summary on this page was last updated on 02/02/2023. If any of the information or links are out-of-date, please contact us.

With a Local or Small Local Business Enterprise (LBE/SLBE) certification from the City of Oakland, a company is eligible for bid discounts and preference points on city contracts. Additionally, the city requires 50 percent LBE/SLBE participation on contracts greater than $100,000. The city directly certifies LBE/SLBE firms and maintains a directory where bidders can find certified subcontractors and suppliers.

Does this program require bidders attempt to make a good-faith effort to meet participation goals? For construction contracts greater than $100,000 and professional services contracts greater than $50,000 a prime must achieve 50% LBE/SLBE Participation. This requirement is satisfied by a 25% LBE and 25% SLBE split, or by 50% SLBE participation. For construction contracts less than $100,000 and professional services contracts less than $50,000, a prime must outreach to certified local firms, ensuring that a minimum of three local firms are included in the solicitation.

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