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is seeking qualified DBEs

Project Name

On-Call Geotechnical and Related Services

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works

Project Location

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA

Bid Date

06/15/2022 at 04:00

Project Details

Leighton Consulting, Inc. is looking for currently registered DBE firms serving Los Angeles County that can provide services for: Researching existing records, reports, maps, plans, etc.; Geotechnical and geologic exploration which may include drilling, downhole logging (as-needed) of bucket auger borings and trenches, Cone Penetration Testing, geologic mapping, geophysical surveys, and infiltration testing for design of foundations for various types of structures; Laboratory testing; Inspection services that may include, but is not limited to, geotechnical and geologic activities that support design and construction (e.g., grading inspection and compaction testing, soil nail/tie-back/rock anchor installation and testing, infiltration galleries, etc.); Peer review.

We are an equal opportunity employer. The plans and specs are available for your review at our office. Bonds will not be required from qualified subcontractors.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Kyleigh Dingfelder


(949) 681-4210


(949) 250-1114


17781 Cowan
Irvine, CA 92614

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