
Los Angeles Mayor signs new MWBE directive

CA News - Published Sep 21, 2022

Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles has signed Executive Directive (ED) 35, consisting of an initiative requiring City departments to respond to findings of the recent report, entitled "The Power of Procurement: Advancing Equity and Opportunity in Contracting for Women in Los Angeles", as they relate to eliminating barriers to women- and minority-owned businesses in City procurement.

Among other instructions, the ED requires: the standardization of business data collection across City departments, including by requiring detailed information to be collected on all businesses awarded contracts; a directive to the City Administrative Officer and the Chief Procurement Officer to analyze new potential bid methods and making recommendations on potential City Charter amendments that could ensure greater small business inclusion; and requiring the City Administrative Officer and the Chief Procurement Officer to report on ways to institute more efficient processing of contract payments for City procurement work. New data will in large part be collected through the Los Angeles Regional Alliance Marketplace for Procurement (RAMP), a one-stop portal for City contracting, which businesses will be required to use and submit information to in the course of contracting.

"This directive, guided by our study, will provide a sturdy foundation for future equality in economic growth," said Mayor Garcetti in a statement.

Read the press release from the Mayor's Office at https://www.lamayor.org/mayor-garcetti-signs-executive-directive-make-citys-contracting-process-more-equitable-and.

Read ED 35 at https://www.lamayor.org/sites/g/files/wph1781/files/page/file/ED%2035.pdf.