For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
The City of Cleveland’s Office of Equal Opportunity allows for certain firms to be registered with the city as a Cleveland Small Business (CSB), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Female Business Enterprise (FBE), as well as a HUD Section 3 business, LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE), Local Producer Enterprise, Storefront Renovation Program, and Sustainable Business Enterprise. Any of these types of businesses may be eligible, once certified in Cleveland, for counting towards participation goals on certain city projects. The City of Cleveland also maintains a online registry for CSBs, MBEs, FBEs, LGBTBEs, and Section 3 businesses.
Does this program require bidders attempt to make a good-faith effort to meet participation goals? Depending on the project and the business certification, certain projects will require bidders to make a good-faith effort to meet the participation goal for certain specified types of businesses.