
JMB Construction, Inc

Is seeking qualified DBEs, MBEs, WBEs

Outreach Coordinator
Taylor Partee

Project Estimator
Dana Wilkins

(650) 267-5297

(650) 267-5302

132 South Maple Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080

Project Name
Line G-1 Crossing Improvements .6 Mile South of Alvarado Pump Station

Bid/Contract #
FC 3A-143

Awarding Agency
Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation

Project Location
Union City, Alameda County, CA

Bid Date
12/15/2020 at 02:00

Project Details
JMB Construction, Inc. is seeking certified DBE/MBE/WBE subcontractor participation for construction of Line G-1 Crossing Improvements.
We are seeking quotes for the following work items:
Trucking, Earthwork and Excavation, Hydroseeding, Misc Metals, SWPPP, Furnishing Aggregates.

The project consists of providing and implementing water pollution control plan and job site management; providing trench and excavation shoring protection; providing and implementing dewatering system and temp sheet pile cofferdams; furnish and install corrugated metal pipe, steel sheet piles, strand ties, and walers; constructing concrete structures; furnishing, placing and compacting Class 2 aggregate base; earthwork and all misc work necessary.

Estimated cost of this work is $2M (tbd).

Plans & Specs are available for review in our office or at https://www.ipdservices.com/clients/eastbay/?ALCO. Performance & Payment Bonds may be required. Please contact our office for assistance with bonding, insurance and lines of credit.

JMB Construction, INC. 132 South Maple Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080. Phone: (650) 267 5300 Fax: (650) 267 5302
An Equal Opportunity Employer

How to get in touch

Outreach Coordinator
Taylor Partee

Project Estimator
Dana Wilkins

(650) 267-5297

(650) 267-5302

132 South Maple Ave
South San Francisco, CA 94080