
Goodfellow Bros. California LLC

Is seeking qualified DBEs

Outreach Coordinator
Shawna Garcia

Project Estimator
Kirk Souza

(925) 245-2198

(925) 449-5875

50 Contractors Street
Livermore, CA 94551

Project Name
Page Mill Road Safety Improvement Project

Bid/Contract #

Awarding Agency
City of Palo Alto

Project Location
Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, CA

Bid Date
07/14/2020 at 05:00

Project Details
We are seeking quotes for the following items: Sign and Stripe, QC/QA, Tree Trimming, Crackfill, SWPPP, and Surverying. The project consists of asphalt concrete milling, placing asphalt concrete and rubberized asphalt concrete overlay, mandatory use of recycled watertraffic control, crack sealing, striping, placing legends and pavement markers, site preparation, guardrail installation and improvements, lowering manholes, utility boxes, vaults and raising back to grade following paving.

At our discretion, 100% Payment and Performance bonds may be required as a subcontract condition. Plans and specs are available via Box link.
Please call if you need assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies for this project. GBI is willing to breakout any portion of work to encourage DBE (Hispanic Americans, Black Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Subcontinent Asian Americans and Women) participation. If you require any assistance, please give Estimator Kirk Souza a call at 925-525-0310 and bids may be faxed to us at 925-449-5875. We are an equal opportunity employer.

How to get in touch

Outreach Coordinator
Shawna Garcia

Project Estimator
Kirk Souza

(925) 245-2198

(925) 449-5875

50 Contractors Street
Livermore, CA 94551