
CF Contracting, Inc.

Is seeking qualified San Francisco LBEs

Outreach Coordinator
Jacob Friedman

(415) 721-7160

(415) 296-6437

2525 Van Ness Ave Suite #210
San Francisco, CA 94109

Project Name

Bid/Contract #

Awarding Agency
City & County of San Francisco

Project Location
San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA

Bid Date
07/25/2018 at 02:30

Project Details
CF Contracting, Inc., is requesting sub-bids from Qualified/Certified SF LBE Subcontractors and Material Suppliers for the above project. Project estimate is $2,800.00.

WE ARE SEEKING QUOTES FOR THE FOLLOWING SF LBE TRADES - Demolition, Concrete, Metals, Painting, Signage, Plumbing, Electrical, Earthwork and Utilities.

SCOPE of WORK: The work to be done under this contract consists of installation of a filtration and chlorination system, pumps, piping, electrical and controls, including modifications to an existing fountain mechanical equipment vault, trenching and pipeline installation, and electrical power provision in UN PLAZA between Market Street and McAllister Street in San Francisco, CA all as shown on the drawings and as specified in these Specifications

SUBMIT PROPOSALS TO: EMAIL: cfcontracting@gmail.com OR FAX: 415-296-6437 In order for proposals to be considered they must be received no later than WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 2018 @ 12:00 P.M. SUBCONTRACTORS: It is the responsibility of all potential sub contractors to review plans, general conditions, special provisions, addendums and insurance requirements, in reference to the above named project. If assistance is needed regarding technical questions in relation to plans or specifications, Insurance or bonds, please feel free to contact us. If you need assistance or advice obtaining bonding, lines of credit, or insurance required by the county please contact Coby @ 415-21-7160 "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER * CA LICENSE # 967497"

How to get in touch

Outreach Coordinator
Jacob Friedman

(415) 721-7160

(415) 296-6437

2525 Van Ness Ave Suite #210
San Francisco, CA 94109